individual sessions
Shamanic Guided sessions
Emma's shamanic sessions are specifically designed to expand consciousness, reshape the energies that cause physical and emotional pain and discomfort and create a new way forward by connecting with the wisdom of the soul. Shamanic guidance addresses the root cause of discomfort and dis-ease and opens up access to all of life's conditions, including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, generational and past life conditions. Relief and change transforms imbalances faster and more deeply than working solely with the physical and conscious planes.
Holistic Counselling sessions
Emma creates a safe, calm and non-judgmental space for you to express what is going on for you. Through her years of academic training, professional experience, community work and life experiences she has a deep understanding of how negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs, hereditary conditions, genetics, cultural conditioning and generational trauma create a framework that is the underlying cause of discomfort and disease. Working with you, she will identify the steps needed to restore balance and support you to find the tools within yourself to engage in a complete healing journey at a pace that is perfect for you.
What can I expect in a shamanic session?
Shamanic sessions run for around 1.5 hours. We begin by discussing what you are wanting out of the session and we then create an intent for you. During our discussion I am most often guided towards a specific process to work with your intent. There are many processes that may be called upon in a session and I have listed some of the main ones below. The process may require you to lie down and relax or to consciously and engage in an activity or a combination of both. After the process is complete I will check in with how you feel, discuss the experience and touch on any insights that came through. To complete the session I provide you with steps to integrate your soul journey in your everyday life to assist with lasting change.
Each session is unique because each individual has a different set of circumstances and life experiences and requires a unique path for you.
Is there anything I need to do to prepare for a session?
A clear intent for the session is required so that the spirits and myself know how to help you best. Spend some time sitting quietly to gain clarity on the reason for you seeking support. If you can not find clarity, that is OK, we will work through it together at the start of the session. Some people report that they start to notice energetic shifts prior to the session, this is usually because the spirit guides are preparing to support the change you are wanting and you may feel this. You are always welcome to contact me if you have any queries or concerns before the session. Please do not drink alcohol or take any unprescribed drugs before the session as we will be going into altered states and that can impact the safety and integrity of the space.
What happens after a session?
People report a vast range of experiences after a session. Sometimes there are feelings of release, relaxation, elation, centredness, clarity and energy and at other times people need to rest. It is highly recommended to hydrate and rest after a session. In the days, weeks, months and even years following the session people notice change in their lives and it helps to remain conscious and to note the changes you experience. I am always happy for you to share your experiences with me and I may also give you a follow up call to see how you are going. Due to the nature of working with the spirit world some people can experience very large energetic shifts, you will be offered a follow up session to help integrate the change and to support ongoing integration.
How often should I have a Shamanic session?
Each individual is different but, generally speaking, most individuals come for a group of sessions to bring positive change to a specific issue in their lives. Some issues shift quickly and others can take a little longer. Sometimes individuals like to come every few months or once a year and others prefer sessions on a more regular basis to continue their healing journey. It all depends on what you want and what is going on in your life at any given time.
Shamanic processes
Shamanic Drum Journey
Ride the rhythm of the medicine drum into a light trance state to enter into the spirit world and meet a spirit guide to gain healing and wisdom.
The Medicine Wheel - Sacred Circle
The Sacred Circle is a map for living life on earth, it holds all the resources required to navigate life and remain healthy and creates unity with the soul journey and spirit. All the elements of Earth and the Universe can be accessed through this very powerful wheel of wisdom.
Creative Soul Expression
The soul loves to create, healing is accessed through spiritual creative processes using mediums such as movement, sound, art, craft, mask work, dreaming and theatre.
Soul Retrieval
During shock and trauma our system engages a natural protective response, in psychology this response is called disassociation, in shamanism it is called soul loss. Soul retrieval is reconnecting with these disassociated parts. This does not bring back the trauma but brings back the gifts that were lost when the trauma was experienced. It is a very healing process that requires some energetic clearing beforehand to prepare the body to receive the lost part back in.
River of life and Landscape of life
These are processes where Emma will journey into your energetic field on your behalf to connect with spirit guides and be a conduit for healing, to gather information about your healing and to engage in the healing process herself.
Power palm, chakra balancing, Reiki and energetic healings
These are all energetic process that enrich the energy flowing through your system and are aimed at restoring flow, balance, alignment and harmony.
Ritual & Ceremony
Throughout history all cultures engage in ceremony and ritual. When used in healing they are proven to be extremely powerful and are especially beneficial in initiations and rites of passage. Traditional and tailor made ritual and ceremony will be implemented at specific times and will usually be done out in the wilds of nature or at a sacred site.
Distance Healing
Working with energetics means that sessions can occur across the fields of space and time. Sessions are held in person or via video call anywhere on planet earth. It also means generational conditions and past life traumas can be addressed just as easily as any other issues.
See what people are saying during and after sessions:
"Improved heart health"
"It felt so good I didn't want it to end"
"I'm really excited to continue shifting this long standing blockage"
"a deep sense of calm & gratitude"
"session was amazing"
"I could see my Grandmother and my ancestors healing me"
"I felt light and energised"
"insight into the underlying cause and source of my issues"
"simplicity and insight"
"a sense of lightness, release and relaxation"
"Instant relief from pain and then I remembered - this is what it feels like to be pain free"
"a lot of good things have materialised after our last session"
"I had some amazing dreams after our session and a mental shift about my purpose"
"great session!"
"I felt a warmth spread over my chest"